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Blog Young Writers' National Writing Contests: Winners FAQs

Young Writers' National Writing Contests: Winners FAQs

By Young Writers | Young Writers Information

Young Writers' National Writing Contests: Winners FAQs

If you have any questions about the winners of the Young Writers contests - which students get chosen, how, when… etc. then this blog will give you all the info you need!

How an entry becomes a contest winner:

  1. Work is entered into a Young Writers’ contest
  2. The contest closes
  3. Next, every entry is typed, and then read by an editor who selects work for publication
  4. It’s an incredible entry, so it’s added on to the contest's longlist
  5. A letter is sent out to the author’s parent/guardian, letting them know that Young Writers would love to publish their child's work in a book
  6. Parent/Guardian heads online to give their permission to be published, finalizing the work in the book
  7. Shortly afterward the book is published
  8. Copies of the book are sent out (orders plus free copies for schools)
  9. Any other books created from that contest are also published
  10. The longlisted entries are read by senior editors, who then create a shortlist
  11. The shortlisted entries are sent to an independent judge, who picks the winning entries
  12. Letters and prizes are sent out to the top writers/poets (depending on the contest)
  13. Winners are announced on our website and social media
  14. Winners celebrate! Send us your winners' photos to info@youngwritersusa.com or share them on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok so we can share this amazing achievement!


My child has received a letter saying their work has been chosen to be published in a book, does this mean they are a contest winner?

No - but it's still an achievement to create a piece of work for a contest & have it published! This letter means that your child's work has been chosen for publication from entries received for the contest. We aim to publish as many children as possible as we know it’s the best way to foster a love of writing; as long as the work meets the contest criteria, they will be selected for publication.

Contest winners are chosen from published work only (no purchase necessary to be published).

Does my child get anything for being published?
Each child selected for publication will receive a certificate of merit and a bookmark.

Do I have to give Copyright Permission for my child to be eligible to win?
Yes. We have to receive permission from a parent or guardian to publish their child’s work, and only published pieces can be eligible to win so that we can announce them and share them on our website.

Do I have to order anything for my child to be eligible to win a prize?

No. Ordering is not a condition of publication or winning. As long as we have permission for your child to be published in the book by the deadline provided, they will be eligible to win.

How many contests do you run? 

We run ten contests across the academic year currently - 5 for Elementary and 5 for Middle & High, and we will be opening contests for younger ages in the future. We also run the Young Writers Annual showcase every summer for 4-18-year-olds.

Who picks the winners?

The Young Writers editorial team reads, edits, and types up entries, and any amazing work they read they add to a longlist.

Once the final book in the contest series is published, all work in the longlist that we have received permission to be published from a parent or guardian will be reduced to a shortlist by senior editors.

This shortlist is then given to an independent judge to choose the winners.

What makes an entry a winner?

The criteria will vary based on the contest requirements, but in general, the editors and judges are looking for originality, use of vocabulary, creativity, and technical writing techniques.

Are independent entries eligible to win student prizes?

Yes absolutely! You do not have to enter through a school, independent entrants are still eligible for student prizes.

What makes a winning school?

The editors and judges are looking for: originality, use of vocabulary, creativity, and technical writing techniques to be displayed in all/the majority of entries from a school.

When do you choose the winners?

We usually award prizes each semester for the contest ran in the previous semester, once all books in a contest series have been published. Prizes and when they are announced vary from contest to contest - remember all the info will be on the contest web page and in your letter from Young Writers.

How will I know if my child has been chosen as a winner?

If your child enters a contest through their school, the letter and prize will be sent via the school for the attention of the teacher who entered their work. We email the teacher to let them know the prize is on the way.

Independent entrants receive their letter and prize to their home address.

If the prize is an e-gift card or certificate, Young Writers will email this to the email attached to your contest entry.

How do I find out if my school has been chosen as a winner?

We write to the teacher who entered the contest and include their prize with the letter.

If the prize is an e-gift card or certificate, Young Writers will email this to the teacher who entered the contest.

When are prizes sent?

Prizes are sent out shortly after the winners are chosen, as we have to order trophies & goody bags! Sometimes there may be a delay if there are school holidays, but don't worry we simply send any prizes once schools have re-opened.

When are the winners announced?

Winners are announced once the prizes have been received.

How do you announce the winners?

We write to the winners with their prizes. Winning entries are then added to our website on our winners page. We then announce that winners have been chosen on our social media channels.

What are the prizes?

Prizes vary for each contest. Examples of past prizes include creative writing goody bags, book bundles, cash, gift cards, or trophies for student/individual winners, and the winning schools receive the Young Writers' Award of Excellence. Please see each competition’s information page for the prize details. 

How many winners are there for each contest?
This varies for each contest. The details of prizes for schools and students are available on each contest's page, as well as in the letter we send to schools and students.

Can my child/school still win if the entry arrives after the closing date?

Yes. For each contest, we create multiple anthologies across several weeks, so as long as the entries arrive in time to be read into time to be offered a place in one of those anthologies, they will be eligible to win.

Can family and friends of company employees win the prizes?

No. Anyone connected to an employee of Young Writers or our parent company Bonacia is not eligible to win a prize, but can still enter their work for publication.

Published: Tue 11th Jun 2024

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